A Friend in Need, Inc.
P.O. Box 2226, Kenosha, WI 53141-2226
(262) 496-0316
A Friend in Need, Inc.
(262) 496-0316
See what your neighbors are saying about our  repair service in
Looking after orphans, widows and those who cannot speak up for themselves both locally and globally by helping to provide five basic rights: food, shelter, clean water, health care and education through community fundraisers, research and advocacy.

Who We Are

Who We Are

Founded by Heather Bliss and Brenda Rebro, A Friend in Need, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to giving hope to the most vulnerable of our world.  We believe that every person, no matter where they are born,  deserves to be treated as a precious child of God.  We feel no child should ever be so unequipped to learn in order to give themselves a better future, nor so hungry that they are forced to eat mud to cease the hunger pains; nor any mother so desperate that she must nurse her newborn with HIV infected milk.  
What We Do
Lifelong sustainability is the goal of A Friend in Need. We do not simply give temporary help to those in need, but rather provide them with tools to help ensure a positive future for their families and communities long term, so they can experience fullness of life.  We provide backpacks filled with school supplies to American children whose families are unable to provide them.  We partner with other organizations to build wells for communities in need of safe drinking water. We provide tools such as seeds, tilapia ponds, life centers, to equip communities to provide for themselves into the future.
How We Do It
We partner with schools in our local community to find the most vulnerable children.  Teachers and school counselors identify struggling families, homeless families and children who haven't been place on the top of the parent's list of priorities.  We provide them with school supplies specific to their grade so they have the tools they need to do their school work. 
We research and partner with other organizations who have identified the most vulerable communities in need of special attention or special projects in order to increase the communities' capacity to care for themselves.  We bring that need to our donors through community fundraisers and advocacy to raise funds for the special project. 
From the homeless child in America struggling to make it through school to the widow in Swaziland trying to feed her child, we strive to bring hope and encouragement by helping to provide the needed tools to these vulnerable individuals and communities.




P.O. Box 2226, Kenosha, WI 53141-2226
(262) 496-0316